
Following the footsteps of the Free/ Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) philosophy, the open sharing of hardware design along with the software involved, can be termed as Open Source Hardware(OSHW). Here we build, discuss, share hardware and learn from each other.

FOSSEE as you know is married to FLOSS and as an extension of our activities, we have a group, dedicated to developing a handful of open-hardware projects like

  • Arduino Kits : A tailor-made set of Arduino Board and peripherals for learning microcontrollers
  • OpenPLC : An open PLC platform for educational purposes
  • OpenSky Planetarium : A planaterim experience in the open sky

We dream to build an active and healthy community of makers who will be engaging with our activities! As a first, we are providing you an opportunity to propose and submit the details of a hardware project you have done. For details, click on the Arduino Project link on the left menu.